Sunday, January 27, 2013
11 Mobil Ini Tak Takluk pada Banjir
Sumber: - Bencana banjir yang melanda kota Jakarta dan beberapa kota di Indonesia memunculkan pemikiran bahwa sudah saatnya Indonesia memiliki mobil yang mampu berfungsi di dua 'alam' atau yang biasa disebut sebagai amfibi. Tak hanya handal melibas jalanan aspal, namun mobil-mobil amfibi juga mampu berfungsi seperti boat alias perahu bermesin yang mengapung saat jalanan tertutup air hingga seperti danau.
Sebenarnya mobil versi ini sudah pernah dibuat pada awal 1805 oleh Oliver Evans dari AS. Tapi hingga awal abad 20 mobil amfibi tersebut belum pernah mengalami perkembangan berarti. Pada tahun 1960 hingga 1968 mobil amfibi baru pertama kali diproduksi secara massal untuk dipasarkan ke publik oleh negara Jerman.
Mobil amfibi buatan mereka diberi nama Amphicar, tapi Amphicar hanya mampu berjalan diatas permukaan air hingga kecepatan 11 kilometer per jam saja. Jika berjalan diatas permukaan jalan biasa, Amphicar mampu melaju hingga kecepatan 113 kilo meter per jam.
Berikut ini mobil-mobil amfibi yang telah ada dan beberapa di antaranya bisa dipakai di Indonesia:(kpl/bun)
1. VW Schwimmwagen 166
VW Schwimmwagen 166 adalah sebuah kendaraan amfibi empat-wheel-drive dengan baling-baling belakang. Diciptakan oleh VW dan Porsche dengan tujuan tunggal yakni untuk bisa melintasi berbagai medan. Dengan posturnya yang tinggi membuatnya bisa menyeberangi sungai bahkan danau.
2. Amphicar
Amphicar adalah mobil amfibi pertama yang diproduksi massal dan dijual untuk umum, mulai 1961. Mobil produksi Jerman ini didesain oleh Hanns Trippel dan dimanufakturi oleh Quandt Group di Lubeck, Berlin-Borsigwalde. Amphicar didesain dan diproduksi untuk pasar Amerika. Hingga 1965 mobil ini telah diproduksi sebanyak 4000 unit.
3. Sea Lion
Sea Lion alias singa laut ini merupakan racikan Marc Witt yang diklaim sebagai kendaraan amfibi tercepat di dunia. Kemampuan mobil unik ini tidak lain adalah karena aplikasi mesin rotary dari Mazda dengan kode Mazda Rotary 13B buatan tahun 1974 yang mampu membawa mobil ini berlari hingga 201 km/jam di daratan dan berenang dengan kecepatan 95,5 km/jam di air.
Marc Witt mengatakan bahwa bila di setting kembali sesungguhnya mobil ini bisa berlari hingga kecepatan 290 km/jam.
4. Aquada
Memasuki abad 21, mobil amfibi mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, baik pada teknologi maupun pada kecepatannya. Contohnya Aquada yang sudah dilengkapi dengan teknologi HAS (High Speed Amfibi).
Mobil ini sudah diproduksi sejak tahun 2003 oleh perusahaan Gibbs Technology, sebuah perusahaan yang berkedudukan di Inggris. Saat melaju di permukaan air, Aquada sudah mampu mencapai kecepatan 55 kilo meter per jam.
Lima kali lebih cepat dibanding pendahulunya, Aquada didesain mirip seperti lunas pada speedboat sehingga bisa mengurangi gesekan dengan permukaan air. Sementara transformasi dari mobil menjadi kendaraan air hanya memerlukan waktu enam detik saja.
5. Python Water Car
Python diproduksi oleh Water Car, yang merupakan perusahaan asal Amerika yang membangun kendaraan amfibi berbasis mobil moderen. Beberapa prototype mereka adalah sedan convertible mirip Camaro dan SUV seperti Jeep, keduanya sama-sama menggunakan teknologi jet air yang sama dengan Aquada, produksi Gibbs Technologies.
6. Rinspeed Splash
Rinspeed Splash mampu melaju pada kecepatan 80 kilo meter per jam di atas permukaan air. Mobil amfibi ini mampu mengalahkan kecepatan melaju di permukaan air yang dimiliki Aquada.
Jika Aquada meluncur di perairan menggunakan lunas yang berada di bagian bawahnya, maka Rinspeed menggunakan konsep Hydroplane.
Jadi mirip seperti penggunaan papan ski air, sehingga saat melaju di permukaan air, bagian bawah Rinspeed akan terangkat hingga setinggi kurang lebih 60 sentimeter. Tidak heran jika mobil amfibi jenis ini mampu melaju hingga kecepatan 80 kilo meter saat meluncur di permukaan air.
7. Convertible Camaro
Di luar aspek kecepatan dan teknologi yang diusung, kalangan otomotif amfibi menganggap bahwa 2002 Convertible Camaro adalah mobil amfibi yang memiliki tampilan (style) paling bagus.
Jika melihat tampilan mobil amfibi berwarna merah pada gambar di samping ini, mungkin Anda akan punya pendapat yang sama.
Perpaduan bentuk dan warna yang begitu anggun. Dilengkapi dengan mesin 2,5 Subaru Turbo, mobil amfibi ini bisa melesat di atas permukaan air hingga pada kecepatan 60 kilo meter per jam. Kecepatan yang bagus untuk menarik seorang pemain ski air di lintasannya.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Pahami 9 Ciri Mobkas Kebanjiran Sebelum Anda Rugi!
Sumber Otosia - Belum normal kondisi pasca musibah banjir Jakarta diprediksi akan muncul 'banjir susulan' yakni 'banjir' mobil bekas (mobkas) terendam banjir. Sebagai calon pembeli mobkas ada baiknya kita harus mewaspadai hal tersebut.
Pasalnya yang ada nantinya, bukan kendaraan yang kita idam-idamkan, justru kerugian. Kerugian dalam hal pengeluaran dana yang lebih besar lagi untuk memperbaiki kondisi mobkas kebanjiran tersebut. Lantas langkah apa yang harus Anda lakukan untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, pertama adalah dengan memahami ciri-ciri mobkas kebanjiran.
Berikut ciri-ciri dan langkah cermat dalam mengetahui mobkas kebanjiran:(kpl/abe)
Mulai dengan periksa interior
Buka dan teliti bagian panel-panelnya dan bagian raknya biasanya mobkas kebanjiran akan ditemukan endapan pasir atau lumpur di sudut-sudut sempit. Amati setiap detail komponen yang ada di dalam kabin. Carilah komponen yang ganjil dan tidak serupa pada bagian interiornya.
Lanjut ke noda lumpur
Kondisi mobil yang terendam selama berhari-hari akan meninggalkan noda bekas lumpur dan air, biasanya berbentuk bercak atau kerak. Langkah pertama yakni buka karet pintu yang menempel pada bodi, bukan pada pintu. Tarik karetnya, perhatikan apakah ada pasir atau lumpur yang menempel.
Pastikan kondisi karpet, apakah terlihat baru sesuaikan dengan tahun pembuatan mobkas tersebut. Pastikan kelengkapannya bahkan apakah sudah pernah diganti. Penggantian beberapa bagian dengan yang baru merupakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan para penjual mobkas pada umumnya.
Lanjut ke bau tidak sedap
Jika Anda mencium bau tidak sedap, beraroma lumpur, maka sudah bisa dipastikan mobkas kebanjiran. Air yang menggenangi kabin akan meresap pada busa jok mobil sehingga akan tercium bau tidak sedap.
Hal ini dikarenakan sulitnya proses pengeringan.
Serta periksa detail jok, angkat karpet dan semua bagian mobil yang sulit untuk kering. Perhatikan sarung jok apakah terlihat ganjil dan tak terpasang rapi dengan karpet, jika tidak rapi kemungkinan sudah pernah tergantikan.
Lanjut ke Cek perangkat elektronik
Langkah umum lainnya yang selalu dilakukan jika akan membeli mobkas adalah dengan mengecek fungsi-fungsi perangkat elektroniknya.
Dengan menghidupkan mobil sekaligus mengendarainya, lakukan juga pengecekan fungsi elektrikal yang ada. Seperti lampu utama, lampu sein, lampu kabin, central lock, power window, radio tape, lampu dasboard, wiper, sekring dan lain-lainnya. Lakukan secara berulang untuk memastikan semua berfungsi dengan normal.
Tidak hanya itu, mobkas terendam banjir biasanya sulit atau bahkan tidak bisa dihidupkan. Dari proses menghidupkan mesin tersebut kita sudah bisa memastikan apakah kondisi mobkas layak untuk dibeli.
Lanjut ke harga tidak wajar
Apabila saat penawaran harga mobkas yang disetujui di bawah harga normal, kemungkinan besar mobkas pernah terendam banjir atau kondisinya tidak bagus. Sebelumnya, langkah yang harus Anda tempuh untuk mengantisipasi hal ini adalah dengan mengetahui harga umum pasarannya, bisa ditanyakan kepada agen penjual mobkas lainnya.
Lanjut ke cek riwayat perawatan
Mobil dengan perawatan yang baik akan dilengkapi riwayat perawatan, setidaknya riwayat perawatan berkala bisa juga riwayat klaim asuransi. Dari hal tersebut paling tidak memberikan sedikit gambaran tentang kondisi mobil secara keseluruhan.
Lanjut ke telusuri asalnya
Asal suatu mobkas bisa diketahui dari STNK-nya. Perhatikan lokasi rumahnya, apakah termasuk dalam wilayah langganan rawan banjir apa tidak. Jika ditemui kasus bahwa mobkas tersebut belum balik nama dan dipakai di daerah berbeda dengan STNK, paling tidak Anda langsung menanyakan pada penjualnya.
Kebanyakan, salah satu pertanyaan yang dilontarkan calon pembeli mobkas di Jakarta adalah bekas banjir atau bukan. Dengan curah hujan yang sangat tinggi, pertanyaan itu bakal kerap muncul.
Waspadai juga kota-kota tempat peredaran mobkas kebanjiran tersebut. Dari beberapa pengalaman dan media informasi lainnya, penyebaran mobkas kebanjiran di kota-kota besar lainnya seperti Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung bahkan sampai luar pulau Jawa terdekat.
Lanjut ke bantuan mekanik
Jika masih ragu, untuk memastikan kondisi mobil, terutama bagian mesin, sangat dianjurkan untuk membawa mekanik langganan kita untuk memeriksanya. Mekanik yang berpengalaman dapat mengenali dengan baik kemungkinan tempat-tempat bekas endapan kotoran atau lumpur. Serta kelebihan mekanik tentang seluk beluk mobil akan membantu dalam pengecekan semua komponen mobil yang ada dibandingkan dengan orang awam.
Hal ini penting pula jika mobil masih dalam masa garansi. Sebab, garansi akan gugur jika mobil terbukti pernah terendam banjir, meskipun kerusakan tak dapat disebutkan dengan rinci.
Lanjut ke jangan ambil resiko
Langkah terakhir, jika Anda mencurigai bahwa mobkas tersebut sepertinya pernah terendam banjir, segera tinggalkan. Jangan ambil risiko, meskipun sebenarnya Anda tidak 100 persen yakin dengan apa yang Anda rasakan.
Pasalnya, penghematan uang dengan harga mobil yang murah akan segera berakhir dan menjadi mahal saat Anda terpaksa memperbaiki mobil dikemudian hari. Mobkas dengan kondisi pernah terendam banjir akan sangat banyak membutuhkan biaya perbaikan dan perawatan.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
11 Top Supercars 2013
2013 will be fruitful for new items in the segment of luxury cars. Most of the new cars will debut early next year at the Detroit Auto Show and will go on sale soon, and some have already been presented to the public in Moscow and Paris Motor Show. Below are 11 of the best luxury cars 2013 model year, comparing them to speed characteristics, technical equipment and design.
BMW Coupe Series 4
Price: To Be announced
World premiere of the new items in the status of the concept will be held in January next year at the Detroit Auto Show, and the status of the production model - in March in Geneva. Based on the third series coupe, the new bigger and wider than its predecessor, was a powerful engine (options: inline six-cylinder capacity of 306 liters.. Or turbocharged four-cylinder capacity of 245 liters..) And two variants of automatic - 8-speed core and casual 7 -speed dual-clutch. 10 more after the break...
BMW M6 Gran Coupe
Price: From 3.95 Million Rubles
This limousine coupe received turbocharged engine, "eight" volume of 4.4 liters and 560 liters. with - the same as that already produces the M5 and M6. The official world premiere of the new items will be held in January at the Detroit Auto Show.
Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster
Price: From 19.45 Million Rubles
This roadster - a variation on the same compartment model, which sold very well around the world. Novelty was removable hard top, two-piece and made of carbon fiber - the material from which made the rest of the body. Engine capacity of 700 liters. with. and a volume of 6.5 liters roadster can accelerate to 350 km / h and a speed of 100 km / h it up in just three seconds.
Mercedes-Benz CLA
Price: To Be Announced
Four-door coupe, which will be officially presented to the public in Detroit, received two versions: basic and tuned in the studio AMG. Tuned version will be the flagship: it will get a two-liter turbo engine capacity of 350 liters. with. and 7-speed automatic robotic. Platform for new items was A-Class hatchback.
Bentley Continental GT Speed Convertible
Price: $ 191,250
Convertible from "Bentley" is equipped with a V8 engine capacity of 4 liters and 500 liters. a. that allows the car to accelerate to 100 km / h in just 4.7 seconds and a top speed of 330 km / h This is the highest for the products of British automakers since the inception of the industry. Optionally the machine can be equipped with engine W12, and the price of the convertible is much higher, from $ 212 800.
Audi R8
Price: From € 113 500 (V8) and From € 165,900 (V10)
A characteristic feature restyled versions R8 V10 Plus - full LED head optics. The car has changed in appearance, but under the hood is still hiding one of two engines: either 4.2-liter V8 capacity of 430 liters. a., or 5.2-liter V10 capacity of 525 liters. with. (Maximum speed - 300 km / h and 314 km / h, respectively). Transmission - a choice of either a 6-speed manual or preselektivnoy seven-speed automatic.
Jaguar F-Type
Price: from £ 58,500 (V6), from £ 67 500 (turbocharged V6), from £ 79,950 (V8)
The new roadster from the famous British automaker debuted in the fall at the Paris Motor Show, and will start selling it in the spring of 2013. Buyers will be offered a choice of one of three engines: a three-liter V6 (capacity - 340 liters..), The same "six", but the turbocharged (capacity - 380 liters..) And five-liter V8 (capacity - 495 liters.). , but the gearbox will only be one - 8-speed automatic.
Audi S8
Price: From about $ 115,000
This all-wheel drive on the aluminum chassis - the same as that of the A8 - received four-liter engine capacity of 512 liters. a., which accelerates two-ton car to 100 km / h in just 4.2 seconds. Manage such a powerful engine will using an 8-speed automatic transmission, but the high speed fans will have to accept the fact that the electronic limiter is to disperse a novelty more than 250 km / h
BMW 3-Series Sports Wagon
Price: From $ 58,900
Titled Sports Wagon novelty will be sold in the U.S. market, and in Europe and in other markets, this model obtain the designation Touring (F31). The base version will be equipped with an engine capacity of 2 liters and 245 liters. a., diesel - two-liter engine capacity of 184 liters. a., and version 330d - a three-liter turbocharged V6 with 258 hp. with. In the U.S., the main competitors of new items from Bavaria will be Audi A4 Allroad and the Cadillac CTS Sport Wagon.
Cadillac ATS
Price: From 1.7 Million Rubles ($47818)
Car Cadillac brand is experiencing a rebirth and is now trying to get into the segment, featuring tough competition. The new model, who had already earned the title of "Best City Car 2013" by the magazine Decesive, aimed at addressing this task. Weight of equipment versions: rear or all wheel drive, three motors (two 4-cylinder and 2.5 volume of 2 liters and capacity of 270 and 200 hp.. Respectively, and a 3.6-liter V6 rated at 318 hp..) 6-speed automatic or manual transmission. However, in Russia will only be available to customers with a two-liter version of the turbocharged engine.
Chevrolet Corvette 7th generation
Price: From $ 56,000
The seventh generation of the legendary "corvette" released for the 60th anniversary of the appearance of the first version of the model that opened the era of sports cars in the U.S.. Novelty is equipped with a V8 engine capacity of 6.2 liters and 450 liters. a., and some modifications - semilitrovym V8 capacity of 500 liters. with. The base model accelerates to 100 km / h in 4 seconds and has a top speed of 305 km / h The debut of the new "Corvette" will be held in January at the Detroit Auto Show, and it should be available to go to the end of 2013.
World's Most Powerful Electric Car - Mercedes SLS AMG
The new Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive is the most powerful electric car in the world. We suggest you learn about it in more detail and enjoy this beautiful pictures.
Recently presented at the Paris Motor Show 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive is currently the most powerful of the produced electric car in the world. Now this is an impressive sedan SLS AMG with electric drive is in fact available to order the most expensive Mercedes car with a price of $ 538.000, which is more than two and a half times more expensive than SLS.
15 more images after the break...
In addition to its dramatic appearance in the style of the liquid metal is blue and the corresponding insides. This SLS Power can reach speeds of 100 kilometers per hour in 3.9 seconds and a top speed of 155 miles per hour.
Four electric motors, one for each wheel is powered by a lithium-ion battery and produce 740 horsepower thanks to a special type of transmission of torque to each wheel individually. Each of the wheels can separate braking, depending on road conditions.
COOLANT battery is inserted in the same place where the fuel tank is usually located SLS AMG. It consists of 864 units in 12 separate modules, and developed the system in the unit Mercedes-Benz AMG in the UK. It worked the same experts that create a kinetic energy recovery system (Kinetic Energy Recovery System KERS) to Formula 1 cars. Battery performance is working with advanced temperature monitoring system that controls the cooling and air conditioning in the event of overheating.
A full charge from a standard 230-volt network takes 20 hours, but the bundle includes a quick charger to 22 kW, with which charging can be completed in 3 hours. As in the model for Formula 1, the battery is charged by regenerative braking.
This electric car will go on sale in the German market in the next year.
Grand-Am Rolex 24 at Daytona preview
By: Steven Cole Smith on January 23, 2013 Park Place Motorsports - Patrick Long piloted the No. 73 Park Place Motorsports Porsche GT3 car to the top of the GT class contenders with a time of 1:48.569, or 118.045 mph, at the Roar Before the Rolex 24 test session. Taken as a preview of both the 2013 Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona as well as the entire 12-race Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series season, the “Roar Before the Rolex 24” had neither the look nor feel of a lame-duck, let's-get-it-over-with effort as sports-car racing looks forward to the combined Grand- Am/American Le Mans Series debut in 2014. The “Roar” was a three-day test session at Daytona International Speedway, held three weeks before the the 51st annual race, scheduled for this weekend, Jan. 26-27. Seventeen Daytona Prototypes are on the race's entry list, along with 36 GT cars and six cars in the new GX class. Many of the DP and GT class entries are likely Daytona-only; some teams, such as the defending series champ Chip Ganassi Racing, field two cars for Daytona, but typically one for the whole season. Plus, there were others in attendance at the test more for the one-race experience than a year-long kickoff. Discounting those part-timers, a season-long field of 12 DP cars seems likely. In GT, there were also Daytona-only entries, with perhaps half of the test field in for the long haul. Hurting GT car counts this year is the departure of the Mazda RX-8 rotary; though still eligible, Mazda doesn't sell the car any more and won't support it to the same degree. This caused the departure of some Mazda teams, such as Dempsey Racing, led by actor Patrick Dempsey, and led indirectly to the move by Team Sahlen from GT to a two-car DP effort with Riley-BMWs. Mazda's departure from GT led to the all-new, third Grand- Am class for 2013: GX. It's oversimplifying to say that the class was developed to offer Mazda a place to race, but the company will campaign the all-new Mazda 6 powered by a turbodiesel engine. Of the six GX cars at the test, three were Mazda 6s, but the only one that made the trip was the familiar flat-black No. 70 car of Sylvain Tremblay, whose company, SpeedSource, is developing both the new car and the engine. Though the car uses a modified, lengthened RX-8 tube-frame chassis, the engine is new to Tremblay and the U.S. division of Mazda and suffered teething pains in the test. Also absent was the Lotus Evora GX of Raceworks Group. The only two remaining GX cars, both Porsche Caymans, managed to get some meaningful track time. Fastest was Shane Lewis in the Napleton Racing Porsche Cayman -- the Cayman race cars use a large number of stock parts and will be one of the few cars on the grid actually using a conventional manual transmission. Lewis ran just more than 110 mph, about 8 mph slower than the fastest GT car, and 15 mph slower than the fastest DP car, so there should be some hair-raising overtaking moves on the back stretch. He expects more GX cars in future races this season, as some people took a wait-and-see attitude to make sure GX was included in the 2014-and-beyond plans for the combined Grand- Am and ALMS, and it is. Also likely is that some competitors in the Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge series will move up to GX. Back in DP, Michael Shank Racing left the test in the same place it left the 2012 race: on top. Both the No. 6 and 60 Riley-Fords were fast, and the 6, with Michael Valiente behind the wheel, set the fastest time at the Roar with a lap of 1 minute, 42.08 seconds, or 125.526 mph. After the first of the three test days, A.J. Allmendinger, in Shank's No. 60, was fastest, so both entries should be contenders. Shank is trying to find a way to keep both cars racing all year. As usual, Ganassi's Riley-BMWs concentrated more on race setups than fast laps. Defending series champions Scott Pruett and Memo Rojas are back all season in the No. 01 car, joined for the Rolex by Juan Pablo Montoya, Scott Dixon and Charlie Kimball. The No. 02 machine had Dario Franchitti, Joey Hand and Jamie McMurray in the car, with Pruett and Dixon listed as co-drivers. LAT PHOTOGRAPHIC - Michael Shank Racing should put up a strong defense of its 2012 win in the Daytona Prototype class at the Rolex 24. Brand new to DP was the Star Motorsports Chevrolet Corvette, led by Venezuelan Enzo Potolicchio, who stepped out of one of Starworks Motorsport's cars midway through 2012. His co-drivers were Stéphane Sarrazin, Anthony Davidson, Nicolas Minassian and Pedro Lamy. It was Davidson's first time back on a track since his devastating 2012 crash at Le Mans in his Toyota. Also new to DP were the two Sahlen Riley-BMWs, and they picked up some potent part-time help for Daytona that included Bruno Junqueira, Simon Pagenaud and Dane Cameron. Also back in DP is Wayne Taylor Racing, with Velocity, a software company, replacing Suntrust as the lead sponsor on its Corvette. Also returning with Corvettes: Spirit of Daytona, Action Express Racing (two cars for Daytona) and the Gainsco/Bob Stallings Racing car, this time with Darren Law and Memo Gidley joining regulars Jon Fogarty and Alex Gurney. No Corvette topped the speed chart during the three-day test. Starworks, the perpetually underrated DP team, had two quick Riley-Fords and a lineup that included past winner Ryan Dalziel, Allan McNish, Alex Tagliani, Sébastien Bourdais, Ivan Bellarosa and Alex Popow. In GT, the departure of Flying Lizard Motorsports was offset partly by the new Park Place Motorsports' pair of Porsche GT3 cars, one of which Patrick Long drove to the top GT time of 1:48.569, or 118.045 mph. There were five Audi R8s entered, including a couple of new ones -- the RumBum Racing team, which has raced BMWs and Porsches the past two seasons, had one for drivers Matt Plumb, Frank Biela, Christopher Haase and Markus Winkelhock. And Alex Job Racing entered one of its customary Porsches, but also an R8. Job, whose team last year developed the Lotus Evora for the ALMS, said that program is on hold due to budget issues. Defending Rolex 24 champ Magnus Racing is back with a pair of Porsche GT3 Cup cars, and Stevenson Motorsports' strong Chevrolet Camaro returns with drivers Robin Liddell, John Edwards, Jan Magnussen and Tommy Milner. The Jeff Segal-led AIM Autosport Ferrari is back with two entries, as is a pair of Turner Motorsports M3s. Scott Sharp and Ed Brown, who run typically in the ALMS, were at Daytona with their Ferrari 458, and co-drivers Johannes van Overbeek and Mike Hedlund. Bottom line: It's a solid field for the Rolex 24, as well as for the entire Grand- Am season. After Daytona, the series moves to the inaugural race at Circuit of the Americas in Texas, then Barber Motorsports Park, Road Atlanta, Detroit, Mid-Ohio, Watkins Glen, Indianapolis, Road America, Kansas, Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca and back to Lime Rock for the finale. Add Long Beach and Sebring, and take away maybe two tracks, and you likely have a rough schedule for the combined series in 2014.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
New Mazda Premacy launched in Japan with 2.0L DISI
The new smiley faced Mazda Premacy (known as the Mazda 5 here in Malaysia) is now officially on sale in Japan, with suggested retail prices of between 1,799,000 to 2,314,000 yen, including sales taxes. Not sure when Bermaz will be bringing it in as the new Mazda 5 but perhaps a few grey importers like Naza World will get to it first. The Mazda Premacy is available with i-stop in Japan, which is Mazda’s unique idling stop system that can automatically stop and restart the engine nearly instantly to save fuel. The i-stop model grades (20S and 20E FWD) offer the highest fuel economy of any two-liter minivan in Japan, rated at 16.0 kilometers per liter (km/l) according to Japan’s 10-15 mode test cycle, while the same models with power sliding doors are rated at 15.0 km/l. All FWD models of the Premacy in Japan are powered by a direct injection 2.0 liter engine making 150 PS at 6,200rpm and 186Nm of torque at 4,500rpm, mated to a 5-speed Activematic automatic transmission. The 4WD version uses a regular 2.0 liter DOHC engine mated to a 4-speed EC-AT automatic transmission. The design might strike some as being unusual – the classic minivan shape is covered by various creases in the bodywork inspired by the “Nagare” concept. The drag coefficient for the new Mazda Premacy is just 0.3 cD. Look after the jump for some newly released photos of the new Premacy as well as two other previously published galleries – from the original unveiling and from the Geneva show this year.
UK: Chevrolet Cruze now available with ‘CS styling kit’
Chevrolet UK has launched this new bodykit for the Chevrolet Cruze, available as a £1,595 option on all models including VAT and installation. The bodykit is called the ‘CS styling kit’ and consists of 18 inch multi-spoke alloys finished in white, a lowered suspension, a boot spoiler, ‘CS’ graphic decals and ‘CS’ tailored carpet mats. Perhaps Naza should think about offering something like this for our local Cruze! This ‘CS styling kit’ looks very clean and tastefully done, and the clean look is probably very much thanks to the lack of any lips or skirts added onto the body. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive styling kit for the Cruze, inspiration may come from the Singaporean market Cruze SS bodykit that we previously covered.
Pagani Zonda R beats Ferrari 599XX Nurburgring record
The Pagani Zonda R is one of the most extreme supercars that you’ll ever come across. Along with the dramatic styling (reminds us of a LMP racer with a roof), the lightweight 1,070 kg Zonda R is powered by a race spec 6.0-litre V12 Mercedes AMG engine with 740 hp and 709 Nm of torque. The excellent power to weight ratio means 0-100 km/h is done in just 2.7 seconds! Thus it will come as no surprise that the Pagani has just beat the Ferrari 599XX’s Nurburgring Nordschleife lap record, with a new lap time of 6mins 47secs for the 13 mile circuit. This might cause some commotion at the Ferrari camp as they conquered the track in 6mins 58 seconds in April this year under the category of ‘road-based car’. The 599XX was designed for the track, but not competition use. Car manufacturers will keep burning rubber on the German track trying to outdo each other every chance they get. We have a feeling Ferrari will be back, so watch your back Pagani! Click here to view the Zonda R in action.
Friday, January 18, 2013
New Slick High-Tech Cop Cars To Be Built in Indiana
Production on the TX7 truck could start as early as next year The Carbon TX7 (Credit: Carbon Motors). A company planning to build high-tech police cars in a vacant eastern Indiana auto parts factory says it has a second vehicle that it plans to produce in the Hoosier state. Carbon Motors Corp. on Monday announced it will begin producing a "multi-mission" vehicle called the TX7 at a vacant former Visteon plant in Connersville before it begins building its E7 police car. Carbon says that the TX7 can replace several types of vehicles currently in use by law enforcement agencies. The TX7 is built on the chassis of an already-existing truck (the company has not said which one) and employs a V8 diesel engine that powers all four wheels. The truck can be configured to fit up to ten people and will include numerous technological features, including weapons of mass destruction detectors, infrared cameras and 360-degree surveillance cameras. The TX7 will have a starting price of $149,950. Carbon says it can start production as early as the second half of 2013. Company spokesman Stacy Dean Stephens tells The Connersville News-Examiner Carbon will assemble the smaller E7 somewhere in Indiana but it's not certain yet whether Connersville gets the work. Carbon Motors is building so-called "purpose-built" poice cars in the wake of Ford retiring its venerable Crown Victoria Police Interceptor. According to the company's website, it has taken over 23,000 reservations from over 600 law enforcement agencies in all fifty states for the E7 patrol vehicle. Delivery of the vehicle is delayed after The Energy Department rejected Carbon's bid for a $310 million federal loan in March. Connersville public works board agreed Friday to give an undisclosed buyer of the plant until March 31 to close the $4 million deal. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Top Six: Superhero Cars
GREEN HORNET Originally a superhero for radio in the 1930s, the Green Hornet truly came into his own from the 1940s onwards when he was immortalised in film, comic books and a TV series. His car, dubbed Black Beauty, could not be found in any showroom but what's not to like about a car with "infra-green" headlights, 16 front rockets, 20 rear rockets, gas gun and mortar? The car is set to appear on the silver screen again next year with a new Green Hornet movie starring Seth Rogen in the title role.
Known to her mother as Rebecca, the British comic character came to life in the cinema in 1995 with Lori Petty in the title role. With her best friend Jet Girl, Tank Girl brazenly steals a ludicrously modified military machine in their quest to fight Water and Power, an evil government corporation that is running the world, albeit a world that has become a wasteland. And what better vehicle for such a mission than a tank? Tank Girl's theme song was Army of Me as sung by Björk.
Merely building a motorbike in a workshop was not enough for Ghost Rider aka Jonathan Blaze. Plausibly, he modified his bike using his demonic powers to create a machine that not only had plenty of horsepower but would also burn as he rode it. At first, his powers meant he could only ride his fiery steed at night but after a few months, Jonathan would transform into Ghost Rider whenever he sensed evil in his vicinity. This might sound like a cool power to have but it led to him becoming a tortured soul.
Before Robert Downey Jr hit the screens as Iron Man, the character had a smaller following. But with the 2008 movie, not only did Iron Man, the alter ego of wealthy industrialist Tony Stark, come to life but his Audi R8 became one of the most coveted sportscars around. The canny product placement continued with Iron Man 2 with the V10 Spyder being added to the superhero's garage. The garage also contains such cars as a Tesla Roadster and a 1967 Shelby Cobra.
Condorman, as his name suggests, is a superhero based on the bird of prey. While it is all well and good to be able to fly, Condorman is helped in his quest to find the stunning Natalia, an escaped female Soviet agent, with the help of a wicked set of wheels. Naturally, the CIA paid for this avian-inspired vehicle. In eye-catching yellow with fabulous brown wings, the Condormobile was actually a Nova Sterling, a British kit car. Its standout feature is a canopy roof/door that lifts upwards when opened.
BATMAN The Batmobile was designed around a 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car. The car was first seen in the Chicago Auto Show in 1955, where it was painted pearlescent white. It had been built by hand in Turin, Italy to the tune of $250,000. It made its film debut in the 1959 feature, “It Started with a Kiss”. Dean Jeffries was originally hired to build the Batmobile, but when production moved up by a number of weeks, he was unable to complete the job. George Barris agreed to make it, but with only three weeks in which to complete the job, he decided to outfit a car that was already in his shop, and which he thought might become a hit in Hollywood. He designed the Batmobile around the Lincoln Futura that had been sitting in his shop for years, and the legend was born. Unfortunately, the car was plagued with issues during initial filming, and production ended up replacing much of the engine and transmission with Ford Galaxie parts, but the overall design remained. The car George Barris bought for $1.00 is now worth closer to $2 million. If you have that kind of cash kicking around, a little bit of Bat history can be yours.
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